quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

www.teclasap.com.br textos mastigados

 Credits for Ulisses Carvalho
Naomi Campbell [o "P" é mudo!] is one of the most well known [uma das mais conhecidas] supermodels in the world – joining the ranks alongside others including [figurando ao lado de outras como] Cindy Crawford, Elle Macpherson and Gisele Bundchen.
Although [Embora] she is a familiar face in magazines [revistas] and fashion shoots [sessões de fotos], Campbell is also well known [bem conhecida] for her public bursts of anger [destemperos; desequílibrios emocionais; rompantes] that have gotten the model into trouble [causaram problemas para a modelo].
She has been arrested [Ela foi presa] a number of times [várias vezes] – mainly [principalmente] on charges of [acusada deassault [agressão] – and has spent time serving out her sentence [cumpriu sua pena] through community service and anger management [auto-controle] classes [aulas].
Most recently, Campbell was arrested in April 2008 at London’s Heathrow airport on suspicion [sob suspeita] of assaulting a police officer [policial] after one of her bags [bolsas] went missing [foi extraviada].
Although the super model has had a history [histórico] of run-ins [entreveros; confusões] with the law [a lei], Campbell has also been a force for good [tem feito boas ações também].
Campbell is currently [hoje; agora; atualmente] working with the fashion world to help raise money [angariar fundos] as part of the Haiti earthquake relief effort [ajuda às vítimas do terremoto do Haiti].
There will be a charity catwalk show [desfile beneficente] with top designers [estilistas] and models in Bryant Park at New York Fashion Week on February 12 and in London on February 18.
Previously, Campbell has raised money for the relief effort after Hurricane [furacão] Katrina, in Tanzania [a sílaba tônica é "NI"] and Mumbai, India.
“Everyone else is trying to help Haiti, and we wanted to do our part [fazer a nossa parte] on the fashion side of things [mundo da moda],” Campbell told Bloomberg. “The response has been overwhelming [impressionante]. No one has said ‘no’ – which means a lot because it’s such a busy time [época agitada] with designers preparing their fall collections [coleções de outono].”

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