sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

Tecla Sap, textos mastigados

(CNN – Connect the World) Talk about getting your big break [E por falar em aproveitar uma oportunidade] – in less than [em menos de] one year 16-year-old Justin Bieber went from [saiu de] uploading home-made [caseiros] music videos on YouTube to becoming [para se tornar] the world’s biggest teen [adolescente; teen] pop star.

The Canadian who was born [que nasceu] in Stratford, Ontario taught himself [aprendeu sozinho] how to play the guitar [violão; guitarra], piano and trumpet from an early age [desde pequeno] and in early [no começo de] 2007 he placed second [ficou em segundo lugar] during a singing competition [concurso musical (de cantores)] where he sang Ne-Yo’s “So Sick”.

Bieber began uploading his singing videos on YouTube and was soon [logo; rapidamente] discovered by music manager [empresário musical] Scooter Braun.

Soon after being discovered [Logo após ter sido descoberto] by Braun, Bieber was a hot commodity [a sensação] in the music world and soon Usher and Justin Timberlake were in competition to have him signed [contratá-lo; fazê-lo assinar um contrato (lit.)].

Bieber eventually chose [acabou escolhendo] to work with Usher and with the help of the R&B [rhythm & blues] artist, released [lançou] his first single in July of 2009 titled “One Time”.

The song was certified platinum [ganhou o disco de platina] in Canada and the United States and reached gold status [ganhou o disco de ouro] in Australia and New Zealand.

His first album called “My World” was an instant hit [fez sucesso da noite para o dia; estourou (inf.)] and Bieber has even personally performed [se apresentou; cantou] for people including President Barack Obama.

In only a short time [Em pouco tempo], Bieber has left his mark [deixou sua marca] on the pop culture landscape [cenário] – his name is constantly one of the most popular topics on Twitter and his public appearances have been marred [prejudicadas; manchadas] by thousands of screaming fans [fãs histéricas] who sometimes get a bit out of control [ficam incontroláveis; saem de si].

Cf. The Jonas Brothers
Cf. Mais Textos Mastigados

Posted by: CNN Digital Producer, Phil Han

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