segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

Marilyn Monroe, part II

Marilyn Monroe – Part II            audio      credits for

1. Marilyn did not stop struggling. She next won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy." It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers. Critics said it was not one of their better efforts. Marilyn, though, earned praise for simply taking a short walk in the movie.

2. The movie called for her to say, "Some men are following me." Groucho Marx answered that he did not understand why. As he said that, he watched Marilyn walk her famous walk. His eyes opened very wide.

3. That short scene in the movie made many people in Hollywood talk about Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn got her first major chance when director John Huston invited her to act in a movie called "The Asphalt Jungle."

4. Huston said her performance as a criminal's girlfriend was good. It gained Marilyn her dream of a long-term agreement with Twentieth Century Fox, the company that had dismissed her earlier. Now its officials gave her a part in "All About Eve." The movie, released in nineteen fifty, was about a movie star. She played a golden-haired woman who did not have much intelligence -- "a dumb blonde."

5. In nineteen fifty-two, Marilyn again appeared as a dumb blonde in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." This performance at last won her widespread fame.

6. Huge successes now followed. Between nineteen fifty-three and nineteen fifty-nine she appeared in lead parts in many popular movies: "How To Marry a Millionaire." "The Seven Year Itch." "Bus Stop." "Some Like it Hot."

7. Her part in "Some Like it Hot" showed that she was very good at making people laugh. Marilyn's picture appeared on the front cover of many magazines and the front pages of many newspapers. She began to earn more money.

8. Life should have been good. But Marilyn was not happy. She was being asked to repeat her part as a dumb blonde in movie after movie.

9. She wanted to be accepted as a good actress. She went to the Actors' Studio school in New York City with many serious actors. She thought she could change the way people thought of her.

10. MARILYN MONROE: “What I’d like to do, that is, what I would like to accomplish, I would like to be a good actress. And it’s not a matter of being on top because I think some of the best actors and actresses perhaps aren’t on the top. So that’s not the thing. I’m terribly grateful for everything that’s happened because I remember when things weren’t like this at all. But you do miss sometimes just being able to be completely yourself and some place and people just know you as another human being.

11. But she did not succeed. People thought of Marilyn Monroe as "that blonde bombshell." Few people thought of her as a serious actress.

12. She also failed in her attempts at marriage. She admitted that she got married the first time only to escape from being forced to live in a group home for children without parents. In nineteen fifty-four she married again. Her husband was the famous New York Yankee baseball player, Joe Di Maggio. They were together for only a few months.

13. Later, she tried again. She married Arthur Miller, a famous writer of plays. That marriage ended unhappily in nineteen sixty-one, after five years.

14. Marilyn returned to Hollywood. But things were different now. Friends said she was drinking too much alcohol. They said she was taking too many drugs.

15. She seemed to always be in trouble with the movie company. She had gained too much weight. Or, she had not learned what she was to say in the movie. Or she had arrived late for the filming.

16. By nineteen sixty-two, Marilyn's problems were threatening her work in the movies. She was to appear in the Twentieth Century Fox movie called "Something's Got to Give.”

17. She lost weight for her part. She tried to arrive on time for the filming. She reportedly knew her part. However, she became sick several times and missed work. Fox company officials dismissed her.

18. On August fourth, nineteen sixty-two, Marilyn Monroe died alone in her home. She was thirty-six years old. Reports said taking too many drugs killed her. But people who knew her said failed marriages, and the failure of her latest movie also led to her death.

19. Many people said Marilyn Monroe never escaped her past. She continued to suffer from the early, sad life of a little girl named Norma Jean.


  1. accomplish = realizar
  2. actress = atriz
  3. Asphalt Jungle = selva de asfalto
  4. at all = absolutamente
  5. at last = enfim
  6. attempts =  tentativas
  7. became sick = ficou doente
  8. began = começou
  9. bombshell = “explosive”
  10. could = poderia
  11. did not stop struggling = não parou de batalhar
  12. died = morreu
  13. dumb blonde = loira burra
  14. early = precoce
  15. earned praise = ganhou elogios
  16. efforts = esforços
  17. failed marriages = casamentos fracassados
  18. Few = poucos(as)
  19. following = seguindo
  20. gave = deu
  21. girlfriend = namorada
  22. got married = casou-se
  23. grateful = grata
  24. However = contudo
  25. Huge = imenso
  26. human being = ser humano
  27. husband = esposo
  28. in trouble = com problemas
  29. invited = convidou
  30. it’s not a matter of = não é uma questão de
  31. Itch = coceira
  32. Later = depois
  33. augh = dar risada
  34. lead = principal
  35. learned = aprendido, decorado
  36. led to = conduziu a
  37. like this = desta forma
  38. long-term agreement = acordo de longo prazo
  39. magazines = revistas
  40. Marry = casar
  41. miss = sentir falta
  42. missed work = faltou no trabalho
  43. named = chamada
  44. on time = no horário
  45. part = papel
  46. perhaps = talvez
  47. reportedly = supostamente
  48. Reports = relatórios
  49. sad = triste
  50. seemed = parecia
  51. several times = várias vezes
  52. should have been = deveria ter sido
  53. succeed = ser bem-sucedido(a)
  54. suffer = sofrer
  55. terribly = “imensamente”
  56. though = contudo
  57. thought = achou
  58. threatening = ameaçando
  59. too many = tomando
  60. unhappily = de forma infeliz
  61. weight = peso
  62. widespread = generalizado(a)
  63. without = sem
  64. won = ganhou
  65. writer of plays = escritor de peças teatrais

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