The Environment
The consequences of global warming
Climate change has caused great natural disasters all over the planet. If nothing is done, these problems could get even worse over the next few decades
Hurricanes, storms, droughts. These have always existed, irrespective of climate change. However, these natural phenomena have become more intense with global warming. In recent years, the
Gloomy outlook
According to the IPCC’s forecasts, by 2020 between 75 and 200 million people in
Matéria publicada na edição de dezembro (número 52) da Revista Maganews.
Áudio – Andy Shepherd (sotaque britânico)
Ilustração - Calberto
1 gloomy – sombrio
2 outlook – cenário / previsão / visão de mundo
3 hurricane – furacão
4 storm – tempestade
5 drought - seca
6 irrespective – independente
7 icecap – geleira
8 to melt – derreter
9 to be battered – ser atingido fortemente
10 rainstorms – chuvas intensas / tempestades
11 commonplace – rotina (virar rotina)
12 forecast – previsão
13 shortage – escassez
14 lush - exuberante
15 wasteland – deserto / lugar sem vida
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