domingo, 14 de março de 2010 (texto com áudio)


The Twilight Saga – New Moon

In New Moon, the second film in the Twilight Saga, Edward, the good vampire, stays away from Bella for her own good. Depressed, she cries on Jacob’s shoulder

New Moon was released in Brazil on November 20th. In this second film in the Twilight Saga, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) turns 18. At her party there is an accident and she cuts her hand. Even the good vampires feel the pull of the blood. Later, Edward (Robert Pattinson) fears even more for his loved one’s safety. Edward and his family decide to move out of town. For Edward this is to protect Bella’s life, but she is depressed by his absence. Bella is not, however, totally alone. She has a great friend called Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). This friendship blossoms over time, but there is a problem: Jacob falls in love with her. Jacob is a werewolf. And, of course, werewolves are long-time enemies of vampires....

Stephenie has written 4 books in the series

Bella and Edward are the central characters in the Twilight Saga, four books written by American Stephenie Meyer. The first one is “Twilight” and the other three are “New Moon,” “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn.” The four books in the series have been a massive hit, especially among teenage girls, and have sold 55 million copies worldwide. Stephenie Meyer is 35 years old, married and has three kids. The idea for the story came about in 2003, when Stephenie had a dream about a student talking to a young man, who happened to be a vampire. When she woke up, Stephenie began to put her ideas on paper. The first two books in the series have been made into films, and “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn” will follow in 2010 and 2011, respectively.

AUDIO – Daniella Rabelo


1 shoulder – ombro

2 safety – segurança

3 absence – ausência

4 to blossom – florescer / crescer

5 werewolf – lobisomem / homem-lobo

6 breaking dawn - amanhecer

7 to feel the pull of the blood – sentir-se atraído pelo sangue

Na edição impressa da revista Maganews você pode conferir a segunda parte da matéria, contando o início da saga “Crepúsculo”.

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