terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Synonyms (Alphabetic order A and B)

Study synonyms are too important due you can improve your English and get more vocabulary, I really recommend you do that and don't forget that everything is possible and in my point of view the main igredients to be successful are: Will power, determination and motivation there many others but this is a secret to be fluent nothing is impossible try to do that.


Abbey (Monastery, convent) Abadia
Abhor (Detest, hate) Abominar
Abide (Comply with, obey, observe, follow, etc...) Respeitar
Abound (Be plentiful, be abundant) Abundar
Accomplish (Fullfil, archieve, succeed in, realize) Completar, cumprir, realizar
Accomplishment (Achievement, performance, effort, etc) Realizar


Bare (Naked, uncovered, empty) Descoberto, pelado.
Beacon (Warning, light-fire, signal) Conduzir, carregar, sustentar
Befall (Happen to, occour, come upon) Acontecer, sobrevir
Belie (Contradict, discredit) Desmentir.

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