I recommend you visit this website and do the exercise and don't forget, in order to improve your English you have to break the ice (break the shame). Good luck practice makes perfect, continue to study hard day after day. http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pres2.htmhttp://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/pres2.htm
Hello there, this is English tips blog, a place for exchange Educative blogs, sharing experience and promote Education, so, after visiting my blog, liked please promoting for friends. Skype: aventureirosdacaatinga carlosrn36@gmail.com
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Credits for http://www.englishexercises.org Watch this video: 1) The boys in the video say that they aren't speaking isn't spea...
On internet there are many ways in other listenin and learning, that is, way to larn, most for free. Living and learning is a way to pract...
Perguntaram na área de comentários aqui do blog como é que se diz " quebra-molas " em inglês. Em algumas regiões do Brasil o ...
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Thank you Carlos for providing useful contents and remembering me. I found it is very useful the slags you provided here with meaning. Expecting more from you. Thanks a lot :)
For sure, thank you for your visit, please help to spread this idea overseas. As I told you, you are clever guy fluence depends how much time you dedicate, and don't forget Fahad's tips listen to movies without subtitles are very interesting tips indeed. I was off-line due on weekends I'm in the capital of my state Natal taking English classes.
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