domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Sponsorships from Google Adsense...

Our purpose is helping to better their lives conditions, so we intend to create in the future a non-profit organisation named Amigos de Santa Vitória, this is because our main tourism landmark is the Religious one, by the way, Monte do Galo, or simply Rooster's mountain is the biggest Sanctuary from Rio Grande do Norte State, and receive over 200.000 pilgrims a year, mostly come from different parties from Northeast in order to pay promise To Our Lady of Victory, its origin is from French Notredame d' Virtuá, by the next posting we're gonna talk a little bit more a Legend from Monte do Galo. Change the subject I want to thank to Google Adsense's Partnership and the sponsor links such as: In Flux (Escolas de Idiomas) Little England, Speak up Magazine, among others, and I want to know that we need computers, material didact-pedagogic, Mp4 in order to start up our English Course, it is not a Franchise, on the contrary, our intention is promoting and divulgating the English Languages encourage pupils to take course. See you the next topic.

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