domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

Speak Up


The word get has a ridiculous number of meanings, but it basically means “to obtain”. It can evolve a journey, to visit a shop, or a criminal act (such a robbery), but at the end you have obtained something. But what if someone tells you a joke and then asks. “Do you get it”? The question is a little redundant: If you “get it”- that is “understand”- then you’ll laugh, thought that depends on the joke, of course. Now we can add the preposition “to” and ask: “What time will we get to the airport? “Here the meaning is “arrive at”. “However get to” can also mean “influence”, in the sense that  a criminal can get to a witness (through a bribe or a threat violence).


Criminals, of course, get away (or escape) from the scene of a crime in a getaway car. If they escape successfully, then they get away with the crime. On the other hand, if someone tells you a ridiculous story, you can use the polite British Exclamation: “Get away!” (aqui conta outra) which means you don’t believe them.
When you get into a car, you have to bend down; whereas, when you get on a bus or a plane, you stand up straight (permanece empé) and walk on. When you get into a music, or some other subject, you become fascinated and learn all about it. And when you get into trouble? (meter-se em encrenca) Well there are a lot of ways to get into trouble; from stealing,or crashing your car, to losing your keys, but when a girl  gets into trouble, it normally means she has an unplanned pregnancy (gravidez não desejada, ou programada).


When children ask a thousand questions, they get on your nerves (they irritate you) you get mad (enlouquece) and shout at them to shut up (calar a boca).

Children these days have no respect:  They suggest you “Get lost” (desapareça) that is disappear from the face of the Earth.

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