quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

The Man Behind Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is a confident young man. He's so confident in fact that last year he turned down yahoo's $ 1 billion (700 pounds) offer for his companhy. He's the founder and CEO of one of the internet's fastest growing sites, facebook, and many consider him and equal to superstars like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. He's Only 23.
Zuckerberg founded Facebook, a social networking site, from his student rooms at Harvard in 2004. American universities traditionally have "facebooks", in which a photo and a short description, and many have iternet versions. Harvard refused to put student details online, so Zuckerberg hacked into the colege's computers in protest, and later created Facebook so that students could enter the information themselves. Facebook was born, soon not only claiming most Harvard students, but universities throughtout the United States. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard, and moved to Palo Alto, in California's Silicon Valley.
Facebook grew at an incredible pace (they say its membership doubles every six months), so Zuckerberg needed money to pay for hundreds of servers-otherwise the site would crash. Paypal founder Peter Thiel invested 350.000,00 pounds, and then introduced him to venture capitalists, Accel Partners. The night Zuckerberg left Accel Partners' office with an investment of 9 million pounds, he was almost shot. He stopped at a petrol station when a man arrived shouting and waving a gun in the air. Zuckerberg looked down at the ground, got back into his car, and drove away unharmed.
Mark Zuckerberg is a very rich man but he still lives like a student in a small flat with a ccouple of chairs and a mattress on the floor. He looks like an average American boy, but he's the CEO of a top Silicon Valley company. He decides how his site envolves, who gets hired and acts as company spokesperson. He claims that earning money is just a distraction. What does Zuckerberg think of the last three years? He smiles and says, "It's all been very interesting!"

 Turned down: Regular verb, base form (To turn down, phrasal verb)
 Refused:       Regular verb, base form (To refuse)
 To put: Irregular verb.
 Hacked:        Regular verb, base form (To hack)
 Created:       Regular verb, base form (To create)
 Enter: Here the verb is in present simple base form (To enter)
 Claiming :    Here the verb is in gerund form, the base (To claim)
 Dropped out: A phrasal verb, regular, base form (To drop) consonant+vowel+consonant: ped...dropped
 Moved:         Regular Verb, base form (To move)
 Grew:          Irregular verb, base form (To grow)
 To pay:         Here the verb is in present simple and it is irregular one.
 To crash:      Present simple, for he, she and it 3° person of affirmative, adding es, see verbs s, sh, ch, x and z, exception the auxiliars verbs go, and do...
 Invested:     Regular verb, base form (To invest)
 Introduced:  Regular verb, base form (To introduced)

Keep up searching there are others verbal tense in the text, keep in touch with native English Speaking, and never give up your dreams.


Confident: Auto-confiante
He turned down see refused, synonyms: Ele recusou
CEO: Chief Executive Officer: Diretor, Presidente
Hacked into computers: Entrou como hacker nos computadores da faculdade.
Claiming: Conquistando, atraindo
Dropped out: Saiu, se retirou
Pace: Rítmo
Doubles: Duplica
The site would crash: O site entraria em colápso
He was almost shot: Quase foi atingido por uma bala
Shouting and waving a gun: Gritando e sacudindo uma arma
Drove away unharmed: Saiu ileso no seu carro.
Who gets hired: Quem é contratado
Spokesperson: Porta-Voz
It's just a distraction: É apenas uma distração, um passatempo.


Um comentário:

Carlos. disse...

Num texto procure interpretar, diferente de traduzir palavra por palavra, aqui temos diferentes tempos verbais, verbos frasais, gerúndios, espero que tenham gostado, um forte abraço.