segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Coney Island

Language level: Advanced

Speaker: Chuck Rollando
Standard: American accent


Coney Island has been called “the world’s playground.” This historic amusement park in New York City was the birthplace of many modern customs, while in recent years it has been a symbol of urban decline. Yet today it seems to be undergoing a revival.

In order to find out more about the significance of this place, we asked Dick Zigun, artistic director of Coney years ago Island USA.

Island USA:
Standard: American accent

Coney Island is part of New York City, it’s actually in Brooklyn, one of the boroughs of New York City, and it is famous amusement park in the United States of America. It is New York City’s amusement park, it is the place where a lot of tradition in amusement parks were invented. The idea of enclosing a fence around a collection of rides and changing one admission price to go in is invented in Coney Island; the rollercoaster is invented in Coney Island, the hot dog is invented in Coney the terrible American informal tradition of standing up and eating, while you walking around, having no manner, is a Coney Island invention. We are very proud of this. Soft ice cream like frozen custard is a Coney Island invention, so the change in America from very British, Victorian, proper ways of behavior to informal ways of wandering around on the beach in a bathing suit, bumping into a young man or woman who you don’t know and flirting and asking for a date: the introduction to the world of the light bulb, the introduction of movie theaters, all happened in Convey Island.


Yet Convey Island went into decline after the Second World War, as Zigun explains:

Dick Zigun:

Coney Island, for 40 years now, has been in decline and…(it has) got smaller and smaller, a lot of people thought it should be attacked and closed, but some people defended it, my group, an arts group started 27 years ago, and we did things like invent what is now the biggest art parade in the United States of America, called the Mermaid Parade every year on June.


At the moment there are major plans to revive Coney Island. Zigun says that he has mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, he is favorable towards the idea of building more attractions and hotels, but he is less happy about schemes for building condominiums.

Whatever happens to Convey Island, it will remain a fascinating place. That it forms part of American collective consciousness is evident in the fact that it has appeared in films by directors as diverse as Woody Allen and Spike Lee. Yet the greatest tribute probably came from Beat Generation poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who published a volume of poetry under the title of A Coney Island of the Mind. Perhaps it is fitting that Convey Island’s biggest attraction these days is “The Freak Show:”

Dick Zigun:

We have six performers who do the 10 different acts, as some people do two acts, so a castoff six and they are a very special group of people. There is a young gal only 19 years old who is the youngest female sword-swallower in the world, she is very pretty, she is very hot and sexy. There is a fellow from Oklahoma who juggles a chainsaw, he hammers nails into his head, there is a gal with her face all tattooed who is our fire-eater, there is a fellow, who’s been working with us from Germany who has his ears pierced and he hangs bowling balls from his ears and twirls them around.

Sometimes we try and make the cast international, if we can, but very unusual performers and a very good show. 



Our story today is called "Luck."  It was written by Mark Twain. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story.
Storyteller:  I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated English military men of his time. I do not want to tell you his real name and titles. I will just call him Lieutenant General Lord Arthur Scoresby.
I cannot describe my excitement when I saw this great and famous man. There he sat, the man himself, in person, all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him. He seemed to show the true mark of greatness. His fame had no effect on him. The hundreds of eyes watching him, the worship of so many people did not seem to make any difference to him.
Next to me sat a clergyman, who was an old friend of mine. He was not always a clergyman. During the first half of his life he was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich. There was a strange look in his eye as he leaned toward me and whispered – "Privately – he is a complete fool." He meant, of course, the hero of our dinner.
This came as a shock to me. I looked hard at him. I could not have been more surprised if he has said the same thing about Nepoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon. But I was sure of two things about the clergyman. He always spoke the truth. And, his judgment of men was good. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about our hero as soon as I could.
Some days later I got a chance to talk with the clergyman, and he told me more.  These are his exact words:
About forty years ago, I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich, when young Scoresby was given his first examination. I felt extremely sorry for him.  Everybody answered the questions well, intelligently, while he – why, dear me – he did not know anything, so to speak. He was a nice, pleasant young man. It was painful to see him stand there and give answers that were miracles of stupidity.
I knew of course that when examined again he would fail and be thrown out. So, I said to myself, it would be a simple, harmless act to help him as much as I could.
I took him aside and found he knew a little about Julius Ceasar's history. But, he did not know anything else. So, I went to work and tested him and worked him like a slave. I made him work, over and over again, on a few questions about Ceasar, which I knew he would be asked.
If you will believe me, he came through very well on the day of the examination.  He got high praise too, while others who knew a thousand times more than he were sharply criticized. By some strange, lucky accident, he was asked no questions but those I made him study. Such an accident does not happen more than once in a hundred years.
Well, all through his studies, I stood by him, with the feeling a mother has for a disabled child. And he always saved himself by some miracle.
I thought that what in the end would destroy him would be the mathematics examination.  I decided to make his end as painless as possible. So, I pushed facts into his stupid head for hours. Finally, I let him go to the examination to experience what I was sure would be his dismissal from school. Well, sir, try to imagine the result. I was shocked out of my mind. He took first prize! And he got the highest praise.
I felt guilty day and night – what I was doing was not right. But I only wanted to make his dismissal a little less painful for him. I never dreamed it would lead to such strange, laughable results.
I thought that sooner or later one thing was sure to happen: The first real test once he was through school would ruin him.
Then, the Crimean War broke out. I felt that sad for him that there had to be a war.  Peace would have given this donkey a chance to escape from ever being found out as being so stupid. Nervously, I waited for the worst to happen. It did. He was appointed an officer.  A captain, of all things! Who could have dreamed that they would place such a responsibility on such weak shoulders as his.
I said to myself that I was responsible to the country for this. I must go with him and protect the nation against him as far as I could. So, I joined up with him. And anyway we went to the field.
And there – oh dear, it was terrible. Mistakes, fearful mistakes – why, he never did anything that was right – nothing but mistakes. But, you see, nobody knew the secret of how stupid he really was. Everybody misunderstood his actions. They saw his stupid mistakes as works of great intelligence. They did, honestly!
His smallest mistakes made a man in his right mind cry, and shout and scream too – to himself, of course. And what kept me in a continual fear was the fact that every mistake he made increased his glory and fame. I kept saying to myself that when at last they found out about him, it will be like the sun falling out of the sky.
He continued to climb up, over the dead bodies of his superiors. Then, in the hottest moment of one battle down went our colonel. My heart jumped into my mouth, for Scoresby was the next in line to take his place. Now, we are in for it, I said…
The battle grew hotter. The English and their allies were steadily retreating all over the field. Our regiment occupied a position that was extremely important. One mistake now would bring total disaster. And what did Scoresby do this time – he just mistook his left hand for his right hand…that was all. An order came for him to fall back and support our right. Instead, he moved forward and went over the hill to the left. We were over the hill before this insane movement could be discovered and stopped. And what did we find? A large and unsuspected Russian army waiting! And what happened – were we all killed? That is exactly what would have happened in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred.  But no – those surprised Russians thought that no one regiment by itself would come around there at such a time.
It must be the whole British army, they thought. They turned tail, away they went over the hill and down into the field in wild disorder, and we after them. In no time, there was the greatest turn around you ever saw. The allies turned defeat into a sweeping and shining victory.
The allied commander looked on, his head spinning with wonder, surprise and joy.  He sent right off for Scoresby, and put his arms around him and hugged him on the field in front of all the armies. Scoresby became famous that day as a great military leader – honored throughout the world. That honor will never disappear while history books last.
He is just as nice and pleasant as ever, but he still does not know enough to come in out of the rain. He is the stupidest man in the universe.
Until now, nobody knew it but Scoresby and myself. He has been followed, day by day, year by year, by a strange luck. He has been a shining soldier in all our wars for years.  He has filled his whole military life with mistakes. Every one of them brought him another honorary title. Look at his chest, flooded with British and foreign medals. Well, sir, every one of them is the record of some great stupidity or other. They are proof that the best thing that can happen to a man is to be born lucky. I say again, as I did at the dinner, Scoresby's a complete fool.
Announcer: You have just heard the story "Luck."  It was written by Mark Twain and adapted for Special English by Harold Berman. Your narrator was Shep O'Neal.  Listen again next week at this same time for another American Story told in Special English on the Voice of America. This is Susan Clark.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Learning with songs, I Just Called to Say I love you

Source: All credits of this exercise for Teacher Aimee from Israel click on the link and check out more info about this awesome English teacher.

No 's day
To celebrate
No chocolate covered  hearts to give away
No first of 
No song to 
In fact here’s just another  day.
No April 
No  bloom
No wedding   within the month of June
But what it is
Is something 
Made up of these three  that I must say to you.
I just called to say I  you.
I just called to say how much I .
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the  of my heart.

No summer’s high
No  July
No harvest moon to light one tender   night
No  breeze
No falling 
Not even time for  to fly to southern skies.
No Libra sun
No giving thanks to all the  joy you bring
But what it is
Though old so new
To fill your  like no three words could ever do.

Powerful and useful website...ENGLISH CLUB

Keep in touch through English tips’ blog, and you’ll find out the most interesting tips of websites and blogs about English; also you take the opportunity to listen to podcasts and contact with the Brazilian magazines MAGANEWS and SPEAK UP, in addition you find out the most relevant information by VOA’s Special English podcasts.

Well today’s website tip is about ENGLISH CLUB, it’s very helpful tool for us, we use English as a second language please check out .

If something is above board, it's been done in a legal and honest way.
If someone is above the law, they are not subject to the laws of a society.
An Achilles' heel is a weakness that could result in failure.
If something is across the board, it relates to all without exception.
If you add fuel to the fire, you do something to make a bad situation even worse.
Someone adds insult to injury if they say or do something to upset you a second time, after you've already been upset somehow.
If you do something against all odds, or against all the odds, you do it even though there were many problems and it didn't seem possible to do.
If two people agree to differ, or agree to disagree, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop trying to change each other's opinion.
You are ahead of the game if you have an advantage over your competitors in any activity in which you try to do better than others, such as in business, academia, sports, etc.
You can say "all hell broke loose" if a situation suddenly became violent or chaotic.
all the rage Informal
If something is all the rage, it's very popular or it's in fashion at the moment.
An acid test is something that shows the true worth or value of something or someone.
Something like an earthquake or a tornado can be called an act of God.
If you have an ax to grind with someone, you have a problem with them, or a complaint against them, which you'd like to discuss.
If you have an axe to grind, you have a strong opinion about something and you express this opinion whenever you can.
If you have another string to your bow, you have another way of making a living.
If you answer the call of nature, you go to the toilet.
If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.
If you do something as soon as possible (sometimes abbreviated to "asap"), you do it at the first possible opportunity.
If someone is asking for trouble, they're doing something risky that could lead to a problem.
If you're at a loose end, you have nothing to do.
If you're at cross-purposes with someone, you think you're both talking about the same thing but you're actually talking about different things.
If you're at loose ends, you feel restless and unsettled because you don't have anything to do.
If you're at sea, or all at sea, you're confused about something and not sure what to do.
If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately, without preparation or planning.
If you're at your wits' end, you're upset and frustrated because you've tried everything you can think of to solve a problem, and nothing has worked.

Countdown to Rock in Rio

For more information visit the website and take out a subscription, it's an excellent magazine, suitable for Teachers and Students in Brazil 


Music – Part 1
Countdown to Rock in Rio
Starting on September 23, Rio will become the world capital of rock. 100 performances for every taste [1] will make up [2] the event. Some of the biggest international stars, such as Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Coldplay, Shakira and Rihanna, will be playing there

   This will be the fourth time Rio de Janeiro hosts the world's biggest music festival. In early May more than 600,000 tickets were sold in just 72 hours. A Riotur study has estimated that 10% of the crowd will be foreign tourists, 35% Brazilian tourists and 55% locals.According to Riotur, about US$ 233 million will be spent during the festival by the tourists coming from outside Rio. The gigs will be played from September 23 to October 2 in a large area of Barra da Tijuca, in the west [3] of Rio. Thevenue [4] has been named City of Rock Olympic Park. Maganews has prepared a special edition on the show. In the next three pages you can read about the history of the festival, the overwhelming[5] figures involved in Rock In Rio, the plans for the future, and the Brazilian musicians who will be playing at the world's largest musical event.

Áudio – David Hatton  
Foto 1 – Andreas Kisser (divulgação)
Foto 2 - Jovens comprando ingressos (Bruno de Lima)
 A edição impressa da revista Maganews traz 4 páginas sobre o Rock In Rio – A história deste grande evento que começou em 1985, os planos para levar o evento para outro país da América Latina, os próximos eventos a serem realizados no Rio de Janeiro, a Cidade do Rock, as edições realizadas em Lisboa e Madri, a presença dos músicos brasileiros nos festivais, os números que dimensionam a importância do maior festival de música do planeta e muito mais. Os áudios são de David Hatton e Aasita Muralikrishna.  

Vocabulary1 for every taste – para todos os tipos e gostos
2 to make up – aqui = compor / fazer parte
3 West – zona oeste
4 venue - local
5 overwhelming figures – números impressionantes