sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

2 Billion people expected online by end of 2010

Today I'm going to continue talk about INGVIP, the owner of the website is an English tips' partner, Fúvio C. Perini is a Brazilian interpreter-translator, teacher and Brazilian blogger, we have something in common, we both promote the VOA's website, but only texts, biographies you can find different sorts of videos with different accents, Friends' Series, English course and much more visit his website and practise a lot English it's a resourceful not only for Brazilian but Students worldwide have been visited there keep practising, keep studying hard. Access INGVIP http://www.ingvip.com/texto/2-billion-people-expected-online-2010.htm

  This is Alex Villarreal with the VOA Special English Technology Report, formerly(1) called the Development Report(2), fromhttp://voaspecialenglish.com | http://facebook.com/voalearningenglish 

   1- Before(3) we changed(4) the name, we went on our Facebook page and asked for(5) story ideas. Some of you suggested(6) that we talk about ICT, information and communication technology.Well, the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations agency,released(7) its latest ICT Facts and Figures(8) report in October.

       2- Since two thousand five, the number of Internet users worldwide(9) has doubled to more than one and a half billion people. At least(10) two billion are expected to be online by the end(11) of this year.    

      3 - The ITU says more than seventy percent of new Internet users(12) this year will be in developing countries(13)Still(14), only twenty-one percent of the population of the developing world is online -- compared to seventy-one percent in developed(15) countries.

      4 - Susan Teltscher is head(16) of the agency's Market Information and Statistics Division in Switzerland(17). She says there are still(18) very huge(19) divides when it comes to(20) accessing the Internet, especially high-speed Internet.

      5 - In Africa not even(21) ten percent of the population is using the Internet.Fewer than(22) sixteen percent of homes in developing countries are wired for the Internet. But, on the other hand(23), Ms. Teltscher says mobile phone usage(24) has reached sixty-eight percent in developing countries.

     6 - The world has almost(25) seven billion people. Nine out of ten(26) now have access to mobile networks(27). The ITU estimates that mobile subscriptions(28) will reach five billion three hundred million this year. The majority(29) are in the developing world. And Susan Teltscher says more and more(30) people in developing countries are using their mobile phones to connect to the Internet.

    7 - Ms. Teltscher says mobile technology is already improving lives(31) in developing countries. She points to(32) examples like banking by phone, e-health services and farm reports by text messaging. And the possibilities will only grow(33) as broadband(34), or high-speed, connections become(35) more widely available(36).

    8 - ITU Secretary General(37) Hamadoun Toure calls broadband "the next truly(38) transformational technology." He also(39) calls it the most powerful tool(40) available in the race(41) to meet(42) the Millennium Development Goals(43) by twenty fifteen(44). For VOA Special English, I'm Alex Villarreal. Join us online at voaspecialenglish.com or on Facebook or Twitter at VOA Learning English.

Vocabularies in English-Portuguese

1. Formerly = anteriormente
2. Development Report = Relatório de desenvolvimento
3. Before = antes
4. changed = mudássemos
5. asked for Pedimos, solicitamos
6. suggested = sugeriram
7. released = lançou, liberou
8. Figures = Números
9. worldwide  = mundialmente, no mundo todo
10. At least = Pelo menos
11. by the end = até o final
12. users = usuários
13. developing countries = Países em desenvolvimento
14. Still = ainda assim
15. developed  = desenvolvido
16. head  = chefe
17. Switzerland = Suíça
18. there are still = Existem ainda
19. huge = imenso(a)
20. when it comes to = Quando se trata de
21. not even = Nem sequer
22. Fewer than = Menos do que
23. On the other hand = por outro lado
24. usage = utilização
25. almost  = quase
26. Nine out of ten = Nove entre dez
27. networks = redes
28. subscriptions = assinaturas
29. majority = maioria
30. more and more = cada vez mais
31. improving lives = melhorando vidas
32. points to = aponta para
33. grow  = crescer
34. broadband = banda larga
35. become = tornar-se
36. widely available = amplamente disponível
37. General  = geral
38. truly = verdadeiramente
39. also = também
40. the most powerful tool = a ferramenta mais poderosa
41. race  = corrida
42. meet  = encontrar, alcançar
43. Goals  = objetivos
44. twenty fifteen = 2015

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Billie Jean

All credits for this exercise for Students.EnglishHouse 

Source:  http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=6499

Michael Jackson Billie Jean

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene
 don't mind, but what  you mean I am the one
Who will  on the floor in the round
She  I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round

She  me her name was Billie Jean, as she  a scene
Then every head  with eyes that  of being the one
Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always  me be careful of what you do
And don't go around  young girls' hearts
And mother always told me be careful of who you 
And be careful of what you  'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who  that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She  I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and for forty nights
The law was on her side
But who  stand when she's in demand
Her schemes and plans
'Cause we  on the floor in the round
So  my strong advice, just remember to always think twice
(Do think twice)

She  my baby we'd danced till three, then she  at me
Then  a photo my baby  his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)
'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby

People always  me be careful of what you do
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
She  and stood right by me
Then the smell of sweet perfume
This  much too soon
She called me to her 

Billie Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my 

Billie Jean is not my 
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is  my son
Billie Jean is not my  She's just a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid  not my son
She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son
She says I am the one

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Not my lover
Not my lover
Not my lover
Not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)
Billie Jean is not my lover (she is just a girl)

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is

Billie Jean is not my lover
Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is
Billie Jean is 

Michael Jackson sang, the world hoped.
Michael Jackson danced, the world smiled.
Michael Jackson laughed, the world laughed.
Michael Jackson died, the world cried, but sang, danced, laughed because we know that's what he would've wanted.
Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson, and always will be.
We are all Michael Jackson when we cry, sing, dance and laugh.
Post this on every Michael Jackson video you see today, and thumbs up if you agree with this.

Words and Their Stories: Nicknames for Chicago

Chicago’s Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain glows in bright red colors during one of its nightly summertime light shows
Chicago’s Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain glows in bright red colors during one of its nightly summertime light shows

Source: http://www.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/words-stories/Words-and-Their-Stories-Nicknames-for-Chicago-125685983.html

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
A nickname is a shortened version of a person's name. A nickname also can describe a person, place or thing. Many American cities have interesting nicknames. These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity.
(Frank Sinatra - “Chicago”)
Chicago, Illinois was once the second largest city in the United States. So, one of its nicknames is The Second City. Over the years, the population of Chicago has decreased. Today it is the third largest American city.
However, another nickname for Chicago is still true today. It is The Windy City. Chicago sits next to Lake Michigan, one of North America’s Great Lakes. Language expert Barry Popick says on his web site that Chicago was called a “windy city” because of the wind that blows off of Lake Michigan. In the eighteen sixties and seventies, Chicago was advertised as an ideal place to visit in the summer because of this cool wind.
But anyone who has ever lived in Chicago knows how cold that wind can be in winter. The wind travels down the streets between tall buildings in the center of the city.
Barry Popick says other cities in the central United States called Chicago a “windy city.” This meant that people in Chicago liked to brag or talk about how great their city was. They were full of wind or full of hot air. He says newspapers in Cincinnati, Ohio used this expression in the eighteen seventies.
Chicago was an important agricultural, industrial and transportation center for the country.
In nineteen sixteen, the city gained two more nicknames from a poem called “Chicago,” written by Carl Sandburg. Here is the first part of the poem:
Hog Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation’s Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders.
Chicago was called Hog Butcher for the World because of its huge meat-processing industry. And, it was called The City of the Big Shoulders or City of Broad Shoulders because of its importance to the nation.
There are several songs about Chicago. “My Kind of Town” was made popular by Frank Sinatra in nineteen sixty-four.
This program was written by Shelley Gollust. I'm Faith Lapidus. You can find more WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our website, voaspecialenglish.com.

A Princess of Mars, Part 2

A Princess of Mars, Part 2

Download MP3

And now, the second program in our series,  "A Princess of Mars."
JOHN CARTER:  The creature with the spear was huge.  There were many other similar creatures.  They had ridden behind me on the backs of large animals.  Each of them carried a collection of strange-looking weapons.
The one with the large spear got down from the back of his animal and began walking toward me.  He was almost five meters tall and a dark green color.  Huge teeth stuck out of his face, and his expression showed much hate and violence.
I immediately knew I was facing a terrible warrior.  He began moving quickly toward me with the spear.  I was completely unarmed.  I could not fight.  My only chance was to escape.
I used all my strength to jump away from him.  I was able to jump almost thirty meters.  The green Martian stopped and watched my effort.  I would learn later that the look on his face showed complete surprise.
The creatures gathered and talked among themselves.  While they talked, I thought about running away.  However, I noticed several of them carried devices that looked very much like rifles.  I could not run.
Soon, all but one of the creatures moved away.  The one who had threatened me stayed.  He slowly took off a metal band from his arm and held it out to me.  He spoke in a strange language.
JOHN CARTER:  Slowly, he laid down his weapons.  I thought this would have been a sign of peace anywhere on Earth…why not on Mars, too?  I walked toward him and in a normal voice announced my name and said I had come in peace.  I knew he did not understand, but like me, he took it to mean that I meant no harm.
Slowly, we came together.  He gave me the large metal band that had been around his arm.  He turned and made signs with his hands that I should follow him.  Soon we arrived at the large animal he had been riding.
He again made a sign with his hands that I should ride on the same animal behind him.  The group turned and began riding across the land.  We moved quickly toward mountains in the distance.
JOHN CARTER:  The large animals we rode moved quickly across the land.  I could tell from the surrounding mountains that we were on the bottom of a long dead sea.
In time we came to a huge city.  At first I thought the city was empty.  The buildings all were empty and in poor repair.  But soon I saw hundreds of the green warriors.  I also saw green women and children.  I soon learned about many cities like this.  The cities were built hundreds of years ago by a people that no longer existed.  The green Martians used the cities.  They moved from one empty city to another, never stopping for more than a day or two.
We got down from our animals and walked into a large building.  We entered a room that was filled with fierce green warriors.
It was not difficult to tell that these were the leaders of the green Martians.  One of them took hold of my arm.  He shook me and lifted me off the ground.  He laughed when he did so.  I was to learn that green Martians only laugh at the pain or suffering of others.
This huge warrior threw me to the ground and then took hold of my arm again to pick me up.  I did the only thing I could do.  I hit him with my closed fist as hard as I could.
The green warrior fell to the floor and did not move.  The others in the room grew silent.  I had knocked down one of their warriors with only my hand.
I moved away from him and prepared to defend myself as best I could.  But they did not move.  The green Martian that had captured me walked toward me.  He said in a clear voice:
JOHN CARTER:  As he spoke, he pointed to his own chest.  He was telling me his name!  I pointed to my chest and said my name, "John Carter."
He turned and said the word, "Sola."  Immediately, a green Martian woman came close.  He spoke to her.  She led me to another building and into a large room.
The room was filled with equipment carried by the green Martians.  She prepared something for me to eat.  I was very hungry.
I pointed to her and said the word "Sola."  She pointed at me and said my name.  It was a beginning.  Sola was my guard.
She also became my teacher.  In time she would become a close and valued friend.  As I ate my meal, my lessons in the language of the green Martians continued.
JOHN CARTER:  Two days later, Tars Tarkas came to my room.  He carried the weapons and the metal armbands the green warriors wear.  He put them on the ground near my feet.  Sola told him I now understood some of their language.  He turned to me and spoke slowly.
TARS TARKAS:  The warrior you hit is dead.  His weapons and the metal of his rank are yours, John Carter.  He was a leader of one small group among our people.  Because you have killed him, you now are a leader.
You are still a captive and not free to leave.  However you will be treated with the respect you have earned.  You are now a warrior among our people.
JOHN CARTER:  Tars Tarkas turned and spoke softly.  From beyond the door a strange creature entered the room.  It was bigger than a large dog and very ugly.  It had rows of long teeth and ten very short legs.  Tars Tarkas spoke to the creature and pointed at me.  He left.  The creature looked at me, watching closely.  Then Sola spoke about the creature.
SOLA:  His name is Woola.  The men of our tribe use them in hunting and war.  He has been told to guard and protect you.  He has also been told to prevent your escape.  There is no faster creature in our world.  And in a fight they can kill very quickly.  Do not try to escape, John Carter.  Woola will tear you to small pieces.
JOHN CARTER:  I continued to watch the creature named Woola.  I had already seen how the green Martians treated other animals.  They were very cruel.
I thought, perhaps this beast can be taught to be my friend…much like a dog on Earth.  I walked close to the creature and began speaking in much the same way I would speak to a dog or other animal on Earth.
I sat down next to him while I talked softly.  At first he seemed confused.  I believe the creature Woola had never heard a kind word.
For the next several days I gained the trust and friendship of Woola.  In a few short days Woola was my friend and fierce protector.  He would remain my loyal friend as long as I was on Mars.
JOHN CARTER:  Several days later, Sola came to me with a look of great concern.
SOLA:  John Carter…come with me.  A great battle is about to take place.  An enemy is coming near this city.  We must prepare to fight and we must be ready to flee.
JOHN CARTER:  Sola, what enemy is this?
SOLA:  A race of red men who travel our world in flying machines.  A great number of their machines have come over the far mountain.  Take your weapons with you and hurry.
JOHN CARTER:  I collected my sword and a spear.  I hurried out of the building and joined a group of warriors moving toward the end of the city.  Far in the distance I could see the air ships.
They were firing large guns at the green warriors.  I heard huge explosions.  The green warriors were firing back with their deadly rifles.  The air was filled with the sound of violent battle.
Suddenly a huge air ship exploded.  It came down, crashing near me.  Red Martians were falling from the side of the huge ship.  And then it exploded again.
You have been listening to the Special English program, American Stories.  This has been the second part of the story "A Princess of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burrows.  This story was adapted for Special English by Paul Thompson. It was produced by Paul Thompson and Mario Ritter.
Shep O'Neal was the voice of John Carter.  Steve Ember was Tars Tarkas.  And Barbara Klein was Sola.  Join us again next week at this time as we continue "A Princess of Mars" in VOA Special English. 

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011


Well there are different ways to learn English, 10 tips or more in order to develop your skills, writing, speaking, listening. The first article is about http://www.howtolearnenglish.co.uk/ten-tips-help-you-learn-english-second-language.html

Have a look at this website more English tips http://www.ingvip.com/texto/10-tips-to-learn-english.htm

The following tips are designed to help you learn English as a second language. It is not easy learning a second language, but with dedication and a passion to learn you will be fluent in English in no time!
Tip 1 – Get A Good Dictionary
If you are a beginner, you may want to start off with a bilingual dictionary. Bilingual dictionaries are useful for comparing certain words to your own language. Remember though, when using a bilingual dictionary, it isn’t just about translating the word. It is also about understanding what type of word you are comparing: verb, noun, how it’s pronounced and so on.
Once you are past the beginner stage of learning English as a second language, throw that bilingual dictionary away (or give it to a friend who is a beginner) and get yourself a dictionary that is English-English.
Tip 2 – Making Time For Learning
30 minutes per day, for 5 days a week is a good study routine. This allows you to study most days of the week, and also gives you a break from learning. Taking time to study English is very important; if you don’t study, you won’t become fluent in the language.
Tip 3 – Show Interest
If you are not interested in learning English as a second language, chances are you are not going to learn to your full potential. If you are interested in learning English, you are much more likely to succeed.
Take the time to explore your particular interests in English. If you are a movie fan, read movie reviews in English; if you are a football fan, go to your team’s website, but view it in English. The Internet is full of amazing resources for you when you are learning English, so make sure to make the most of it.

Tip 4 – Don’t Worry If You Make Mistakes

Mistakes are how we learn; we make the mistake then we learn from it and improve. If you are not sure of the answer, have a go anyway. You may just surprise yourself! And, even if you are wrong, at least you will be able to learn the correct word, phrase or pronunciation.

Tip 5 – Thinking In English

It’s much easier to learn English if you can teach yourself to ‘think’ in English. If you are thinking of what you want to say in your own language, then translating it in your head, you may get confused. Constructing the sentence in English first is a good way to make fewer mistakes.

Tip 6 – Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to being able to speak, read and write better English is to practice the skills you have acquired through learning. Don’t just concentrate on one specific area of English; make sure to practice areas such as basic grammar, pronunciation and other aspects of the English language.

Tip 7 – Remember To Learn (And Love) English Grammar

English grammar may seem boring at a first glance, but it can be interesting if approached in the right way. Remember that learning English grammar will help you understand the language, as well as making you more fluent.

Tip 8 – Find A Friend To Practice With

Finding a friend who is also learning English as a second language, and sharing your learning experience is a great way to progress further.

You can do lots of things together to help you learn like: go for coffees together, speak only in English, swap notes, go to the cinema to watch English movies, and share your experiences.

Tip 9 – Learning How To Learn

All of us have different ways to learn that work better for us as individuals. The important thing is to find out how you learn best. For example, do you learn better by reading, doing, seeing or listening?

The majority of us learn by using a combination of all of these skills, however, finding out how you learn best will help you learn quicker.

Tip 10 – Finding A Good Teacher

Using a qualified teacher that understands English is a step in the right direction. A teacher can set you goals and timelines for learning.

Finally, remember that learning a language is a skill that needs constant use; if you don’t use it, you will probably lose it! A language isn’t just something you can learn and forget about; another language helps you understand the world, different cultures and different perceptions of life.

Share it for friends.