terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

Speak Up in Class Extreme Celebrations (A2)


source:   www.stagnightuk.com 

Language level: A2 Pre-intermediate
Standard accent: British
Speaker: Rachel Roberts



Extreme Celebrations (A2)

A – Before you start

Answer the questions with a partner.
1. It's the custom for British men to to organise a celebration with their friends  (stag night) before their wedding? Do Italian men have a similar custom?
2. If so, how do they usually celebrate?
3. Do women have some kind of celebration, too?

B – Listen and answer

Read these statements. Then listen (without reading) and write T (true) or F (false).
1. Traditional stag night celebrations used to take place at the groom's house.
2. The female version of the stag night is the "hen party".
3. Some people pay a company to organise their "stag do".
4. Bill Parsons didn't expect to do bungee jumping during his stag do.
5. Women never choose extreme activities for their celebration.
6. Nowadays stag dos involve less alcohol than in the past.

C – Read and answer

Read the article and the Information boxes and answer the questions.
1. Why is the stag night usually called a "stag do" now?
2. What kind of arrangements may be necessary for a stag do nowadays?
3. Where in London can you do bungee jumping?
4. Why did Bill Parsons do one?
5. What do many women prefer to do?
6. What reason does Jean Webb give for her choice?
7. What shows that bungee-jumping is very popular at the moment?
8. What effect does Zorbing have on people?
9. What do you have to do before walking on fire?
10. Where does the name Stag Night probably come from? 

D – Learn it! Use it!

Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the expression in some way; e.g. change the verb tense, or change from singular to plural.)
1. The mountain rescue team tied a ________ around the man's chest and pulled him up into the helicopter.
2. We've decided on the date of the meeting but we haven't chosen a ________ yet.
3. The man had on a short-sleeved shirt which revealed his strong ________ arms.
4. Mary works for a company that ________ special equipment for school gyms.
5. Three enemy ________ were destroyed on the first day of the battle.
6. Tim bought his mother an abstract painting and she hung it ______  ______ by mistake.
7. They're building a skyscraper over there, where those tall ________ are.
8. The egg ________ off the table and fell on the floor.    

E – Ready for KET? (Paper 1: Reading and Writing, Part 6)
Read the descriptions of some words connected with getting married. Write the missing letters.
1.     The ceremony in which people get married.           w _ _ _ _ _ _
2.     A woman who is getting married is a bride.
        Instead this is the word for a man.                               g _ _ _ _
3.     The man's friend and witness.                              b _ _ _    _  _ _
4.     This is a long luxurious car that some
people hire for a celebration.                                l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.     You make these when you organise  an event.               a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6.     You have to make this if you want to have your
        reception at a hotel or restaurant.                        r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F – Check your pronunciation

One of the four words in each group has a different vowel sound. Which one?
1.     solve                 women      modern     stop
2.     bridge       lift            still           high
3.     prove                rope          chose                boat
4.     country     bounce      courage     month

G– Talk about it

In pairs or groups.
1. Are there any special customs or superstitions connected with weddings in Italy or in your region?
2. Have you ever tried bungee-jumping or Zorbing?
3. If not, would you like to?
4. Do you think young people in Italy drink as much as young people in Britain?  

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segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011

The Boy on Graves-End Road (By Caty Weaver)

Source: www.manythings.org/voa/stories 

The Boy on Graves-End Road (By Caty Weaver)


Now, the VOA Special English program AMERICAN STORIES.
I'm Pat Bodnar. October thirty-first is Halloween. In the spirit of this ancient holiday, we present a story written by Special English reporter and producer Caty Weaver. It's called "The Boy on Graves-End Road."
Kelly Ryan was making dinner. Her ten-year-old son Benjamin was watching television in the living room. Or at least she thought he was.
KELLY: "Benny-boy, do you want black beans or red beans?"
BEN: "Red beans, Mama."
KELLY: "Don't do that, Ben. You scared me half to death! You're going to get it now ... "
NARRATOR: Ben had come up quietly right behind her.
KELLY: "I'll get back to you, stinker!"
NARRATOR: Kelly goes to the phone, but as soon as she lays her hand on it, the ringing stops.
KELLY: "How strange. Oh, the beans!"
NARRATOR: Kelly turns her attention back to cooking. As soon as she does, the phone rings again.
KELLY: "Honey, can you get that?"
BEN: "Hello? Oh, hi. Yes, I remember. Sure, it sounds fun. Let me ask my mom. Can you hold? She might wanna talk to your mom. Oh, um, OK. See you tomorrow."
KELLY: "Ben, your rice and beans are on the table. Let's eat."
KELLY: "So, what was that call about?"
BEN: "That was Wallace Gray. You know him, from class. He wants to play tomorrow. Can I go home with him after school? Please, Mom? I get bored around here waiting for you after work."
KELLY: "But, Ben, I don't even know his parents. Maybe I should talk to them."
BEN: "You can't, Mom. He was with his babysitter. He said his parents wouldn't be home until late tonight and they would leave before he went to school in the morning. Please Mom, Wallace lives right over on Graves-End Road. It's a five-minute walk from here. PLEASE,?"
KELLY: "Well, OK. What's so great about this guy, anyway? You've got a ton of friends to play with."
BEN: "I know. But Wallace is just different. He's got a lot of imagination."
NARRATOR: The school week passes, and Ben starts to go home almost every day with Wallace. Kelly notices a change in her son. He seems tired and withdrawn. His eyes do not seem to really look at her. They seem ... lifeless. On Friday night she decides they need to have a talk.
KELLY: "Sweetie, what's going on with you? You seem so tired and far away. Is something wrong? Did you and your new friend have a fight?"
BEN:"No, Mom. We've been having a great time. There's nothing wrong with us. Why don't you like Wallace? You don't even know him, but you don't trust him."
KELLY: "Benjamin, what are you talking about? I don't dislike Wallace. You're right, I don't know him. You just don't seem like yourself. You've been very quiet the past few nights."
BEN: "I'm sorry, Mom. I guess I'm just tired. I have a great time with Wallace. We play games like cops and robbers, but they seem so real that half of the time I feel like I'm in another world. It's hard to explain. It's like,  it's like ... "
KELLY: "I think the word you're looking for is intense."
BEN: "Yeah, that's it -- it's intense."
KELLY: "Well, tell me about today. What kind of game did you play?"
BEN: "We were train robbers. Or Wallace was. I was a station manager. Wallace was running through a long train, from car to car. He had stolen a lot of money and gold from the passengers. I was chasing right behind him, moving as fast as I could. Finally he jumps out of the train into the station to make his escape. But I block his path. He grabs a woman on the station platform. She screams 'No, no!' But he yells 'Let me through, or she dies.' So I let him go."
KELLY: "What happened then?"
BEN: "Well, that's what was weird and, like you said, intense. Wallace threw the lady onto the tracks. And laughed. He said that's what evil characters do in games. They always do the worst."
NARRATOR: Later, after Ben went to bed, Kelly turned on the eleven o'clock news. She was only half-listening as she prepared a list of things to do the next day, on Halloween.
KELLY: "Let's see, grocery shopping, Halloween decorating, dog to the groomer, hardware store, clean up the garden ...
NEWS ANNOUNCER: "... the victim, who has not been identified, was killed instantly. Reports say it appears she was pushed off the station platform into the path of the oncoming train. It happened during rush hour today. Some witnesses reported seeing two boys running and playing near the woman. But police say they did not see any images like that on security cameras at the station. In other news, there was more trouble today as workers protested outside the Hammond ... "
KELLY: "No! It can't be. The station is an hour away. They couldn't have gotten there. How could they? It's just a coincidence."
NARRATOR: The wind blew low and lonely that night. Kelly slept little. She dreamed she was waiting for Ben at a train station. Then, she saw him on the other side, running with another little boy.
It must be Wallace she thought. The little boy went in and out of view. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped and looked across the tracks -- directly at her.
He had no face.
NARRATOR: Saturday morning was bright and sunny, a cool October day. Kelly made Ben eggs and toast and watched him eat happily.
KELLY: "You know, Benny-boy, a woman DID get hurt at the train station yesterday. She actually got hit by a train. Isn't that strange?"
NARRATOR: She looked at Ben.
BEN: "What do you mean, Mom?"
KELLY: "Well, you and Wallace were playing that game yesterday. About being at a train station. You said he threw a woman off the platform, and she was killed by a train."
NARRATOR: Kelly felt like a fool even saying the words. She was speaking to a ten-year-old who had been playing an imaginary game with another ten-year-old. What was she thinking?
BEN: "I said we played that yesterday? I did? Hmmm. No, we played that a few days ago, I think. It was just a really good game, really intense. Yesterday we played pirates. I got to be Captain Frank on the pirate ship, the Argh.
"Wallace was Davey, the first mate. But he tried to rebel and take over the ship so I made him walk the plank. Davey walked off into the sea and drowned. Wallace told me I had to order him to walk the plank. He said that's what evil pirates do."
KELLY: "I guess he's right. I don't know any pirates, but I do hear they're pretty evil!"
BEN: "So can I play with Wallace today when you are doing your errands? Please, Mom? I don't want to go shopping and putting up Halloween decorations."
KELLY: "Oh, whatever. I guess so. I'll pick you up at Wallace's house at about five-thirty, so you can get ready for trick or treating. Where does he live again?
BEN: "Graves-End Road. I don't know the street number but there are only two houses on each side. His is the second one on the left."
KELLY: "OK. I can find that easy enough. Do you still want me to pick up a ghost costume for you?"
BEN: "Yep. Oh, and guess what, Mom: Wallace says he's a ghost, too! I suppose we'll haunt the neighborhood together."
NARRATOR: Everywhere Kelly went that day was crowded. She spent an hour and a half just at the market. When she got home, decorating the house for Halloween was difficult.
But finally she had it all up the way she wanted.
KELLY: "Oh, gosh, five already. I don't even have Ben's costume."
NARRATOR: She jumped into her car and drove to Wilson Boulevard. The party store was just a few blocks away.
Kelly soon found the ghost costume that Ben wanted. She bought it and walked out of the store.
EILEEN: "Hey, Kelly! Long time no see. How's Benjamin doing?"
KELLY: "Eileen! Wow, it's great to see you. How's Matt? We've been so busy since the school year started, we haven't seen anyone!"
EILEEN: "Matt's good. Well, he broke his arm last month so no sports for him. It is driving him crazy, but at least he's got a lot of time for school now!"
EILEEN: "Anyway, Matt was wondering why Benny-boy never comes by anymore. We saw him running around the neighborhood after school last week. It looks like he's having fun, but he's always alone. We don't need to set up a play date. Ben should know that. You just tell him to come by anytime -- "
KELLY: "Wait, wait a  minute. Alone? What do mean alone? He started playing with a new friend, Wallace somebody, after school, like everyday this past week. Ben hasn't been alone. Wallace Gray, that's it. Do you know him? Does Matt?"
EILEEN: "Oh, Kell. Kelly, I'm sure he's a fine kid. I don't know him but don't worry, Ben's got great taste in friends, we know that! I'm sure he wasn't really alone, he was probably just playing hide and seek or something. I didn't mean to worry you. I guess everybody's on edge because of what happened to the Godwin boy this morning."
NARRATOR: Kelly suddenly felt cold and scared. What Godwin boy? And what happened to him? She was not sure she wanted to know, but she had to ask.
EILEEN: "Frank Godwin's youngest boy, Davey, the five-year-old. You know Frank, we call him Captain. He used to be a ship captain. Well, this morning the rescue squad found Davey in Blackhart Lake. They also found a little toy boat that his dad made for him. Davey and his dad named it the Argh. Davey must have been trying to sail it. It's so sad."
KELLY: "Wait, he's dead?
EILEEN: "Yes. Davey drowned."
KELLY: "Where's Blackhart Lake?"
EILEEN: "It's right off Graves-End Road, right behind that little cemetery. That's why they call it Graves-End. Kelly, where are you going?"
KELLY: "I've got to get Benjamin."
NARRATOR: Kelly raced down Main Street. She had no idea who Wallace Gray was or how he was involved in any of this. But she did not trust him and she knew her child was in danger.
Finally she was at Graves-End Road.
BEN: "Only two houses on each side."
NARRATOR: She remembered what Ben had told her.
EILEEN: "Right behind that little cemetery."
NARRATOR: And what Eileen had told her. Kelly got out of the car and walked down the street. She looked around.
BEN: "It's the second one on the left."
NARRATOR: She could see the lake. Some fog was coming up as the sky darkened on this Halloween night. But there was no second house. Instead, what lay before her was grass and large white stones. The cemetery. Kelly walked through the gate into the yard of graves.
KELLY: "Ben?"
NARRATOR: No answer. She kept walking.
KELLY: "Ben? Answer me. I know you're here."
NARRATOR: Again no answer. But the wind blew and some leaves began to dance around a headstone. Kelly walked slowly toward the grave. Suddenly the sky blackened -- so dark, she could not see anything. She felt a force pushing at her. It tried to push her away from the grave. But she knew she had to stay.
KELLY: "Benjamin Owen Orr, this is your mother. Come out this second!"
NARRATOR: No one answered, except for the sound of the blowing wind. The darkness lifted. Silvery moonlight shone down directly onto the old gravestone in front of her. But Kelly already knew whose name she would see.
KELLY: "'Wallace Gray. October thirty-first, nineteen hundred, to October thirty-first, nineteen hundred and ten. Some are best when laid to rest.'"
NARRATOR: Kelly took a deep breath. Then ...
KELLY: "Wallace Gray this play date is OVER! Give me back my son. Wallace, you are in TIME-OUT."
NARRATOR: Suddenly, the ground shoots upward like a small volcano. Soil, sticks and worms fly over Kelly's head and rain down again -- followed by her son, who lands beside her.
KELLY: "Ben! Ben!"
BEN: (COUGHING, CHOKING) "Mom, Mom! Are you there? I can't see. All this dirt in my eyes."
KELLY: "Ben, I'm here, I'm here baby, right here. Oh, sweet Benny-boy. Can you breathe? Are you really ok? What happened? How long were you in there?"
BEN: "I don't know, Mom. But I didn't like it. I didn't like where Wallace lives. I want to go home."
KELLY: "Oh, me too, Sweetie. C'mon, Ben, put your arm around me. C'mon.
BEN: "And Mom, one more thing ... "
KELLY: "What is it, Ben?"
BEN: "I don't want to be a ghost for Halloween."
Our story "The Boy on Graves-End Road" was written and produced by Caty Weaver. The voices were Andrew Bracken, Faith Lapidus, Katherine Cole, Shirley Griffith and Jim Tedder.  I'm Pat Bodnar.

domingo, 31 de julho de 2011


source:   www.stagnightuk.com

Language level: A2 Pre-intermediate
Standard accent: British
Speaker: Rachel Roberts


How do people celebrate the night before a marriage in your country? Do they walk across fire for their loved one? Do they jump off a bridge? In Britain, people do both of these things. And it’s all part of a wedding tradition. The famous Stag Night, the night a groom celebrates his last night of freedom.


Traditionally, Stag Nights involved pubs and an excess of alcohol. Today everything has changed. There’s a new name a Stag Do. It involves an entire weekend of events. Women organise their own celebrations the Hen Party.


The organisation of a modern Stag Do is very complicated. There are the travel arrangements, there are a reservations at hotels and night clubs, there are costumes to rent and activities to arrange. So specialist companies now exist to solve all these problems. Extreme Elements is one example. They not only provide limousines, hotels and visits to VIP night club. There is also the most  important element in the package: crazy, extreme activities. There’s bungee jumping from London’s Tower Bridge: high speed boat rides up the Thames. Sphereing or Zorbing –that’s rolling down a hill inside a gigantic ball: driving a tank, and walking on fire.


Why do people choose these activities? Bill Parsons says, “ I chose bungee jumping. It was a test of courage, you know, and something I will never forget. “ James Dillard says, “ I have always wanted to drive a tank. It was a fantastic surprise.” Dillard’s Stag Do was organised by his best man.


A daredevil experience isn’t for everyone. Women, for example, often choose a day at a Beauty Spa. They enjoy relaxing saunas, massage and beauty treatments. Juliet Sanders says, “We loved every minute. It was so luxurious.” But Jean Webb says, “We went white water rafting. We proved we are as courageous as the boys. It was incredible!”


One Stag Night element certainly hasn’t changed Saturday night means alcohol, lots of alcohol. The venue may be more exclusive, a VIP night club, and everyone may dress in fancy costumes, but the British still love to drink and drink and drink…


Extreme Element Ltd.

Unit 5, Hove Business Centre
Fonthill Road –Hove, BN3 6HA

Bungee Jumping

A rope is attached to your ankles and a harness. London’s Tower Bridge isn’t very hight of 50 metres. They jump off and fall head first. They rop stops them before they hit the water. Then they bounce up because the rope is elastic. Finally, a boat takes them to safety. Anyone is interested in this unique experience must book six months in advance.

Sphereing or Zorbing

This involves a gigantic rubber ball. The ball has an inner chamber. Two people enter this inner chamber. The outer chamber is then filled with air or water. Now everything is really. The ball is released. It rolls down a hill at about 40 kph. The people inside twist and turn upside down. A very disorientating experience!

Fire Walking

A real test of courage. First there’s a seminar on fire, safety procedures and techniques. Next you sign release forms, in case of an accident. Finally, you walk across burning coal – not once, but twice. You can also try broken glass!


The Stag Night is a very old tradition. It started in the 5th century in Greece. Spartan soldiers celebrated a groom’s last night of freedom. They ate a fine dinner and then drank a lot of wine. Legend then appeared before them. There is also a Celtic tradition: the groom and his friends celebrated the god Cernunnos. He was a large, hairy creature with antlers, called the Black Stag. He was the god of hunting, but also the god of fertility. This may be the origin of the name Stag Night.

Hen Parties started in the 1960s with the rise of feminism. Women wanted to celebrate their last night of freedom, too. The tradition became popular in the 1980s. today Hen Parties are as important to women as Stag Nights are to men. 

sábado, 30 de julho de 2011

Another day in paradise

Source: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2909 


This song expresses itself about the homeless people, poverty and hungry, beautiful song, listen to and improve your English. 

Listen to this beautiful song and fill in the gaps with the missing words.
"Another Day In Paradise"
(feat. Ray J)

She calls out to  man on the street   
"Sir can you help me?"
It's  and I've no where to sleep,
is there somewhere you  tell me?

He walks on, doesn't look back
He  he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as she crosses  street
Seems  to be there

Oh, think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you
and  in paradise
Oh, think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise

She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's  crying
She's got blisters on the  of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying

Oh, think twice, 'cause it's just another day for
and me in paradise
Oh, think twice, 'cause It's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise

Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh lord, there must be  you can say

You can tell from the lines on her face
You can  that she's been there
 been moved on from every place
'Cause she didn't fit in there

Oh, think twice, 'cause it's just another day for
and me in paradise
Oh, think twice, 'cause It's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise

Just  about it

It's just another day for you and me in Paradise
It's just another day for you and me in Paradise
It's just another day for you and me in Paradise
Take a look at the following piece of information...What do you think?  

·         The US has the highest inequality rate after Mexico and Turkey
·         In the past five years, the gap between rich and poor has grown the fastest in Germany
·         Since 2000, income inequality and poverty have fallen faster in Britain than in any other OECD country,
·         France is one of just five countries where inequalities have fallen in the past 20 years

Source: OECD Growing Unequal report         
       Share your ideas with your classmates